Fake News From the New York Times
30th May 2017
The Antiplanner turns over a rock.
That well-known fake-news site, the New York Times, has once again published a report claiming that transit hubs are a “growing lure for developers.” The Times published a similar story eight years ago, and the Antiplanner quickly found that every single development mentioned in that story was subsidized with tax-increment financing (TIF) and other government support.
So has anything changed since then? Nope. The first development mentioned in the recent story by Times reporter Joe Gose is Assembly Row, in the Boston suburb of Somerville. Is it subsidized? Yes, with at least $25 million in TIF along with other state funds.
May 30th, 2017 at 07:55
So, the source of the money negates the assertion that it’s a lure for developers? Non sequitur…
May 30th, 2017 at 10:12
Yes, the source of the money negates the assertion that the activity is a ‘lure for developers’; the lure is provided by the taxpayer-provided benefits, not the activity itself, which was the ‘fake news’. You really need to learn how to read.