We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela

19th May 2017

Read it.

During the 2016 presidential election, Bernie Sanders refused to answer questions about Venezuela during an interview with Univision. He claimed to not want to talk about it because he’s “focused on my campaign.” Many suggested a more plausible reason: Venezuela’s present economy is an example of what happens when a state implements Bernie Sanders-style social democracy.

Similarly, Pope Francis — who has taken the time to denounce pro-market ideologies for allegedly driving millions into poverty — seems uninterested in talking about the untrammeled impoverishment of Venezuela in recent years.

It doesn’t fit with the Narrative and therefore doesn’t exist.

One Response to “Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela”

  1. Elganned Says:

    *shrug* I’m happy to talk about it. The Venezuelans are assholes.
    What’s more to say?