We have seen the future, and it sucks.

NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Major Story Wrong

15th March 2017

Read it.

Once again, the DemLegHump Media gives us Fake News, but Trump remains the New Hitler.

3 Responses to “NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Major Story Wrong”

  1. Elganned Says:

    Of course, all of this could have been obviated if President Assmonkey had released his tax returns in the first place.
    Funny how all of his supporters think this “vindicates” him, when he himself fights tooth and nail to avoid this “vindication”.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Nah, he just does it to be an asshole, and to yank their chains.

    This is what happens when a non-politician gets elected.

  3. Elganned Says:

    Don’t look at me; I didn’t vote for him.