We have seen the future, and it sucks.

England’s Single-Payer Health System Is Reaching ‘Breaking Point’

20th February 2017

Read it.

The National Health Service (NHS), which runs hospitals and public health services in England, Scotland and Wales, has experienced problems with long wait times for services and crowded emergency care for years, but the problems are getting worse, according to a report from the British Medical Association (BMA).

And they didn’t even have a Magic Negro pushing it.

NHS is deep in debt, and it could be running on a nearly £1 billion deficit ($1.2 billion) by the end of this year. The Department of Health is planning an influx of cash into the trust fund “backed by the NHS’s own plan for the future with an extra £10bn [$12.5 billion] by 2020,” the spokesperson told The Guardian.

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

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