We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Covering Trump: A Disaster a Day, Inflated as Necessary

19th February 2017

Read it.

Nothing that happened in Barack Obama’s presidential administration was a scandal. Not the gun-walking, not the ambassador killed by terrorists, not the pay-to-play green-energy stuff, not the weaponization of the IRS, not the Bowe Bergdahl swap, not the inspector general’s firing — none of it. Obama wanted it that way, and that was enough to make it so.

Sometimes it is good to be the Magic Negro.

Everything that happens in Donald Trump’s administration will be a scandal. Every Tweet, every denial of the obvious, every course change, every refusal to change course, every leaked internal disagreement, every assertion that some word or action is not a scandal. Trump is breathing, and that is enough to make it so.

Media bias? What media bias?

The Democrats, the media and the squalling children with their protest signs will never let this month go. It’s going to be Groundhog Month. No matter how much Trump and his acolytes learn, and they can learn; no matter how much good they do, and they may yet do good; no matter how different his administration may look at the end from how it looks today, today is what the public will hear about forever.

Who are you going to believe, the Left or your lying eyes?

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