We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Identity Politics Chickens Come Home to Roost

8th February 2017

For decades the Looney Left and their agents the Democrat party and the DemLegHumpMedia have been telling the world that white people are racist just because they are white people (they can’t help it, and often don’t even know it) and that men are rapists just because they are men (they can’t help it, and often don’t even know it), white people and men have gotten the message and are now acting on it.

‘If I’m going to be insulted because I’m white and/or male, which I can’t change, then I’m going to feel free to be as much of a jerk to colored people or women as I please, because there is no downside; what happens to me is independent of my behavior, so I might as well indulge myself.’

And the Looney Left is shocked and amazed, much as the Tsarist nobility were shocked and amazed when the peasants, who had been told that they were revolting, actually revolted.

My, what a surprise. Aren’t you surprised? I’m sure surprised.

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