We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Fearless Forecasts for 2017

4th January 2017

The OFloinn shows you the way.

My favorite:

The Talking Heads of the MSM will continue to explain to the public the inexplicable loss of the election by the Space Princess. They will continue to natter on about Russian interference (without specifying what that interference actually consisted of) and about Angry Misogynistic White Men (without discovering any large upwelling either of males or whites among the tallied votes). No one will mention triple digit increases in the price of health insurance under the “Affordable” Care Act or the proposal of a No-Fly Zone over Syria, where the Russians constituted the primary fliers — and hence of the palpable risk of a shooting war with Russia. A few folks in Otto’s Bar and Grille, where the Talking Heads are explaining things, will put down their beers and say, “Ain’t you the folks who were so wrong about who was going to win? So why should we listen to you now?” The Talking Heads have no good answer, and so they talk louder. Everyone stops listening to them.


The New Witch Hunts will continue as people purge themselves on anti-social media by confessing the sins of other people, often creating these sins de novo from rumors and snippets of quotes. A few will long for the days when confession was under the seal of secrecy. The New Donatists will declare more sins to be lifelong unforgivables and will denounce those who forgive as being haters and ‘phobes.

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