We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Firm That Can Turn Deceased Loved Ones Into Ceramics – From Coffee Cups to Vases

26th November 2016

Read it.

I wish I could have had my mother turned into a jar or something. Then I could run over it with my car, glue the pieces back together, and then run over it again.

She and I didn’t get along.

One Response to “The Firm That Can Turn Deceased Loved Ones Into Ceramics – From Coffee Cups to Vases”

  1. RealRick Says:

    Watched an old episode of “NYPD Blue” recently in which a former cop wanted his ashes kept at the police station. All the rules and regs kept if from happening, until someone came to fix a hole in the bathroom floor. They mixed the guy’s ashes with the concrete and thus honored his last request.

    Imagine Hillary’s ashes being incorporated into the Trump Tower.

    Years ago we had to have two cows incinerated (PCB contamination). The guy who got stuck with the task sent my boss 2 small jars of ash labelled “Bossie” and “Flo”. My boss kept them on his desk for years.

    Fun with dead things!