We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Portland to Displaced Blacks: Have We Got a Deal for You

23rd November 2016

News from the Whitest City in America.

Portland promised to find affordable homes for displaced blacks, but for some reason those blacks aren’t too thrilled with the 387-square-foot condos the city has offered them. The city is making the condos available to families earning less than $47,000 a year, with priority given to people displaced by gentrification (which is often subsidized by the city’s urban-renewal agency).

Such people will be welcome to buy these condos for a mere $164,000, or nearly $425 a square foot. Such a deal, especially considering many of the displaced people were living in single-family homes several times the size of the condos, and that such homes in places without urban-growth boundaries would cost half of what the city wants for its “affordable” condos.

For some reason, the displaced people aren’t showing much interest in the tiny condos. Donald Trump won the votes of working-class whites who felt oppressed by the elites, but this shows elites can oppress urban blacks just as much as rural whites.

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