We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘The Rocky Horror Democrat Party’: Making History, Losing Elections

18th November 2016

The Other McCain breaks out the jaundiced eye.

Maybe they figured that having elected a half-Kenyan to the White House proved that Democrats could elect any random weirdo to any office anywhere, but 2016 proved them wrong. This year, Democrats decided Hope and Change meant nominating hopeless sex-change candidates.

Notice that both of these trans-Democrats are (a) young, (b) white and (c) Bernie Sanders-style “progressives.” Coincidence? I think not. Democrat Party rhetoric in the past decade has focused so relentlessly on demonizing “white heterosexual males” as the stereotype of Republican evil that any young “progressive” is likely to take it for granted that being white is bad, being male is wrong and being heterosexual — why, heterosexuality is a form of prejudice: How dare you refuse to join the “LGBTQIA community”? The incessant pounding drumbeat of Democrat Party propaganda — “Sexist! Racist! Homophobe!” — is intended to inspire hatred of Republicans by depicting the GOP as bigoted, but what is the psychological effect of this propaganda on young Democrats who happen also to be both white and male? Well, the white male Democrat is not only inspired to hate himself, but also he realizes that he can never hope to represent his party, because his party does not represent him.

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