We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Slate Writer Calls for ‘Symbol of Solidarity’ to Distinguish Bigots From Everyone Else

11th November 2016

Read it.

A Slate writer called on anti-Donald Trump people to begin wearing a symbol on their clothing so they are easily identifiable as non-bigots in a column Thursday.

Lamenting the fact that the people around her do not immediately know she voted for Hillary Clinton, columnist Michelle Goldberg suggests all the non-bigots such as herself begin wearing the symbol as a “quick, easy” way to set themselves apart.

How about that Hillary ‘this way to the hospital’ badge? That seemed to work.

Or they could wear brown shirts. That’s traditional.

2 Responses to “Slate Writer Calls for ‘Symbol of Solidarity’ to Distinguish Bigots From Everyone Else”

  1. Elganned Says:

    Or they could wear yellow stars. That’s also traditional.

  2. Elganned Says:

    That way they’ll be able to easily identify the candidates for “re-education” when it comes time to round them up and ship them off…