Slate Writer Calls for ‘Symbol of Solidarity’ to Distinguish Bigots From Everyone Else
11th November 2016
A Slate writer called on anti-Donald Trump people to begin wearing a symbol on their clothing so they are easily identifiable as non-bigots in a column Thursday.
Lamenting the fact that the people around her do not immediately know she voted for Hillary Clinton, columnist Michelle Goldberg suggests all the non-bigots such as herself begin wearing the symbol as a “quick, easy” way to set themselves apart.
How about that Hillary ‘this way to the hospital’ badge? That seemed to work.
Or they could wear brown shirts. That’s traditional.
November 11th, 2016 at 10:17
Or they could wear yellow stars. That’s also traditional.
November 11th, 2016 at 10:20
That way they’ll be able to easily identify the candidates for “re-education” when it comes time to round them up and ship them off…