We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Liberals and Their Nightmare Fantasies

3rd November 2016

The Other McCain enjoys the season.

Every four years, the Republican Party choose a man to be labeled the next Hitler by liberals. Having been born during the presidency of Eisenhower (who opposed Communism and was therefore Hitler, in the liberal imagination) and having lived through the presidencies of five other Republican presidents, I can tell you that at least four of those were demonized as latter-day Hitlers by liberals. The sole exception was Gerald Ford, whom liberals considered too stupid and incompetent to be Hitler.

Donald Trump is an authoritarian — the next Hitler — according to liberals like Jonathan Chait. Therefore, if Trump is inaugurated as president next January, it will be only a matter of time because liberal journalists are rounded up, loaded onto railroad cattle-cars, and shipped to death camps in Idaho. Jonathan Chait considers this an argument for voting against Donald Trump. But some might see it the other way.

Me, for one. Speed the day.

One Response to “Liberals and Their Nightmare Fantasies”

  1. RealRick Says:

    I guess it evens out – I see Hillary as a female Stalin.