We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Men In Iran Are Wearing Hijabs In Solidarity With Their Wives Who Are Forced To Cover Their Hair

28th July 2016

Read it.

I am not making this up.

Unasked: How many of these are being stoned to death as homosexuals?

The images come in response to a call by Masih Alinejad, an Iranian activist and journalist living in New York, who urged men to support her campaign against enforced hijab.

Yeah, you can do that in New York. Just try it in Tehran.

Ms Alinejad runs the My Stealthy Freedom campaign and often shares pictures of women living in Iran who have enjoyed a moment of ‘stealthy freedom’ by taking their hijab off in public. She asked men to support her campaign with the #meninhijab hashtag and by sharing pictures with their heads covered while women pose without hijabs.

Not that the men aren’t doing this in public. The key concept here is ‘stealthy’.

Ms Alinejad has received 30 images of men wearing a hijab since issuing her call on 22 July. She told the Independent some men are also posting their images on their Instagram accounts.

Wow. A whole thirdy people. Out of a population of, what, 70 million? Yeah, that’s a game-changer. Maybe Hillary had something to do with it.

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