Prominent Glass-Ceiling Breakers Lament Women Who Won’t Back Clinton
26th July 2016
Some of Hillary Clinton’s contemporaries who helped shatter glass ceilings in their own professions are exasperated that their female friends aren’t planning to help elect the country’s first woman president.
“I am never going to speak to you again unless you vote,” lifestyle entrepreneur Martha Stewart said she told a female friend in her 60s who plans to stay home Election Day.
You’d think it was the Miss America contest. Apparently it doesn’t occur to these ‘glass-ceiling breakers’ that the Presidency is an actual job with actual requirements and actual duties that are actually important. Just having two X chromosomes isn’t enough.
“We as women should be so proud that there is a strong and viable candidate,” said Ms. Stewart, a Clinton supporter. “Yet there are women who are not even thinking about her as a woman. They are just listening to criticisms of her that she is a liar.”
Perhaps whether she is a liar is more significant than whether she is a woman? Just maybe?