We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Even at a Funeral, Dividing the Nation Is Apparently Good Politics

13th July 2016

Read it.

On Tuesday, during the memorial service for the five murdered Dallas police officers, President Obama began the speech eloquently. But it sadly once again became a political dividing tool when he made the absolutely outrageous statement that teenagers can get a hold of a Glock more readily than a book or a computer.

Harmony, brief as it was, immediately became a social media free-for-all. He just could not help make it about his political beliefs with a whopper of a lie. Has he never heard of a library? Did he think politics really belonged at a memorial service? With an entire nation grieving and watching an entire city and police force grieving in front of him, for some odd reason, he felt the need to go there.

Yeah, well, that’s all he knows how to do.

Civil Rights icon Bob Woodson has little respect for the Black Lives Matter provocateurs. He finds them morally bankrupt, whose only determination seems to be fifteen minutes of shame rather than concrete resolutions to problems.

“I would never equate one moment of the Civil Rights movement to anything that BLM has orchestrated,” he said.

“They are no different than the Black Panthers,” he said of the often violent Black Nationalist party that thrived in the 60’s until the early 80’s.

Well, yeah.

Woodson said, “I think people in power in both the left and right are profiting from this divide; because the left can use it politically and so can the right. The left can use it to turn out the base and the right can use it to turn out voters who would not normally vote for them but do out of fear,” he said.

“Some of us who have standing as civil rights people need to have a voice,” said Woodson; “The media always gives a camera and a microphone to the disruptors but not the people who are trying to find solutions.”

“We need to get these hustling black preachers out of the way, and give voice to people like the Dallas police chief. That is someone who is showing leadership,” he said.

Hear, hear.

Woodson doesn’t just blame BLM for inflaming racial tensions. “Look at what Fox News is doing,” he said. “It is what pisses me off with conservative broadcasters; they will have on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and then Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham become the foil,” he said.

“In short, the face of opposition to BLM is O’Reilly and Ingraham,” Woodson said.

“Fox should not be using Sharpton or Jackson or these other race hucksters,” he said. “All they are doing is continuing the divide and I am forced to conclude that some people on the right have begun forming their own grievance industry in reaction to BLM,” Woodson said.

Well said.

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