We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Vermont GMO Labeling Hits Kosher Foods

11th July 2016

Read it.

Kosher foods are disappearing from grocery stores in Vermont due to the fact many small manufacturers and suppliers do not want to bother with complying with the Green Mountain State’s new requirement that foods made using ingredients from genetically modified crops (GMOs) be labeled. Vermont’s law imposes a penalty of $1,000 per day per genetically modified product that is not labeled. Since the Vermont market is so small, it’s just easier to to stop shipping their grocery goods to that scientifically benighted state.

We’re from the government, and we’re here to help … oh, wait….

Last week, the U.S. Senate passed legislation would mandate federal GMO labeling and pre-empt state laws like Vermont’s. The U.S. Department of Agriculture would have two years in which to work out the implementing regulations. Activists have been pushing for mandatory federal labeling for years now and when they finally get it, they hate it. Why? Because they fear it will not be onerous enough to scare consumers away from foods made with modern biotech crops. The House is expected to pass the Senate’s version of the bill, but will President Obama veto it?

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