We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How Did the Orlando Muslim Terrorist’s Father Get Into U.S.?

13th June 2016

Steve Sailer does the work that the Drive-By Media can’t be bothered to do.

As you may have noticed today, after years of ignoring the concept of “citizenism,” the mainstream media has suddenly converted en masse to citizenism of the most fundamentalist kind: the Orlando shooter was a U.S. citizen. What more do you need to know?

But, being a curious sort, I’m wondering how his father, Seddique Mir Mateen, got to the United States from Afghanistan so the terrorist could be born an anchor baby in New York in 1987.

But there never seems to be much interest in how these people wound up in the U.S. Apparently, it violates the spirit of the penumbra of the Zeroth Amendment to ask how various no-goodniks got here.

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