We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Trump and the Judge

7th June 2016

Lion of the Blogosphere puts it in a nutshell for your convenience.

The judge, Gonzalo Curiel, is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. Anti-Trumpers will say that doesn’t mean anything, that it’s just a Latino lawyers association. But if they are just a Latino lawyers association, then that’s what they should have called themselves. By choosing the name “La Raza” they open themselves to legitimate speculation that they share the radical left-wing pro-immigrant anti-American-citizen anti-white politics of the National Council of La Raza.

It’s easy to see why a judge with leftwing pro-immigrant politics would be unable to fairly judge Donald Trump. And Trump has a constitutional right to due process of law, and the legal process allows a litigant to request a new judge.

Minorities routinely claim that they can’t be fairly judged by a white judiciary, and a white judge who joined a “white lawyers association” would surely be kicked off the bench for being a “racist,” so there is clearly a PC double standard here. But that’s not the argument Trump is making. It’s not that the judge can’t fairly judge his case because they are different races, but because of different political views.

‘La Raza’ is apparently Spanish for ‘The Race’ and hence, in my view, an explicitly racist organization. If they weren’t Fashionable Minorities, such explicitly racist ‘minority’ organizations (Yeah, I’m lookin’ at you, NAACP) would get the same treatment as Aryan Nations and the KKK. But in this degenerate modern world, not so much.

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