We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Scientists Have Discovered What Causes ‘Resting Bitch Face’

23rd May 2016

Read it.

Well, thank goodness.

Among the slew of pop culture icons said to be afflicted with so-called Resting Bitch Face (alternatively known as Bitchy Resting Face), the vast majority are women, though Kanye West is among the male examples. All of them have been mocked by Internet commenters for having a certain unintentional expression when their faces are not in motion  — a look best described as vaguely annoyed, maybe a little judgy, perhaps slightly bored.

Hillary Clinton.

The cues are understated, yet the machine detects and interprets them the same way our human brains do, she said. “Something in the neutral expression of the face is relaying contempt, both to the software and to us.”

Yup, Hillary Clinton.

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