We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Processed Food: What Life Would Be Like if We Took Nutrition Back to Basics

9th May 2016

Read it.

First, chase down a rabbit. I will wait while you do this. tick tick tick tick tick tick tick….

“If we were to go back to the very beginning of this process that has gone to an extreme today, I think it would really surprise many people,” said Daniel Lieberman, a professor of biological sciences at Harvard University. “We used to spend a disproportionate amount of our days chewing.”

“You can go for an entire day without chewing today, and that’s really bizarre from a historical standpoint,” he added.

One Response to “Processed Food: What Life Would Be Like if We Took Nutrition Back to Basics”

  1. debby Says:

    You can buy rabbits at Amazon (although they’re currently unavailable), and according to this reviewer it’s a big improvement over hunting them yourself:

    Like many suburban homeowners, I like to kill and eat the wild animals that populate my backyard. To keep it sporting, I hunt naked, with my teeth and long sharpened fingernails as my only weapons. I’ve feasted on squirrel, raccoon, vole and numerous songbirds. But no matter how long I lay spread eagle and motionless in the hot noonday sun, I have never been able to outwit and catch any of the plump and juicy rabbits that hop just outside my reach and then bolt for the woods when I leap forward with a blood-curdling shriek. I have chased them at a dead run through the yards of the many unoccupied homes that surround mine but the pursuit always ends in frustration. But no more, thanks to Amazon. Every week, I order a fresh whole rabbit and affix it to a remote control car that is operated by one of my children. This way, I get the thrill of the hunt, and when the car’s batteries are exhausted, I can leap upon it, bury my teeth into the rabbit’s soft flesh and perform my ritual victory dance right there in the Walgreen’s parking lot.
