We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Sailer’s Law of Counter-Contrarianism

1st April 2016

Steve Sailer hits Broadway.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is the token Well-Read, Pro-Social, Pro-Wall Street Minority who turned a giant biography by Ron Chernow into a cool hip-hop musical about how the prototypical financier New Yorker Founding Father was actually, when you squint just right, Diverse. Thus Hamilton is beloved by past and present Secretaries of the Treasury, such as Lew, Geithner, and Paulson.

How hip and trendy. How well this Servant of the Crust has rewarded his masters.

But now Hamilton comes along and makes clear that the dominant mindset in New York today is plutocratic, aristocratic, elitist, and anti-democratic. The only thing worrisome about Hamilton to 21st Century New Yorkers is not his reactionary ideology, but his whiteness.

So, by imagining (the extremely Scottish-looking) Hamilton as nonwhite, he becomes a non-controversial Hero For Our Time, the epitome of the High-Low Squeeze Play on the Middle.

Yes indeed. Who’s next? Goebbels?

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