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Hospitals, Doctors Challenge Crackdown on ‘Balance Billing’

16th October 2008

Read it.

God forbid that somebody providing a service should charge more than the insurance company — or the government — thinks is proper.

But several challenges have cropped up in court, from hospitals and docs who say the agency doesn’t have the right to intervene. “We believe our legal authority to protect consumers from balance billing is clear, and we believe our moral authority is even more clear,” the department chief told the LAT.

One Response to “Hospitals, Doctors Challenge Crackdown on ‘Balance Billing’”

  1. Oh, bother Says:

    The reader is urged to peruse the comments for a demonstration of how much mis- or disinformation is out there about how health insurance works. While neither presidential candidate has a reasonable policy to offer, Obama’s “single-payer system” would be a disaster: to the competence of Medicare/Medicaid the government would add the gentle good will of the IRS.