We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Liberal Activism Is Giving Students Panic Attacks, Depression, Failing Grades

22nd February 2016

Read it.

It’s exhausting work, being offended all the time. But is activism actually ruining college kids’ mental health? A report on the emotional state of Brown University student-protesters—who suffer from suicidal thoughts, sleeplessness, panic attacks, and failing grades as a result of their advocacy—paints a weirdly alarming picture.

Self-inflicted problem. Think of it as evolution in action. If all of these yahoos were to spend the rest of their lives unemployed and financially crippled by student debt — well, I wouldn’t clap, but I wouldn’t weep, either. (Unfortunately, far too many of them will get government jobs and inflict themselves on us for the next half-century.)

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