We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Basic Income May Be Needed to Combat Robot-Induced Unemployment, Leading AI Expert Says

19th February 2016

Read it.

If automation-induced unemployment becomes a problem (or if the chattering class can convince voters that it is a problem, which is a different thing entirely), then this is the obvious policy recommendation from those who look first to the government to solve every ill.

Of course, nobody will have the bad grace to mention that constantly increasing the legal ‘minimum wage’ merely encourages increased automation.

One Response to “Basic Income May Be Needed to Combat Robot-Induced Unemployment, Leading AI Expert Says”

  1. RealRick Says:

    What’s likely to happen is that the gov’t will start taxing robots on some “equivalent” basis to what humans would pay in taxes for the same production rate. (If there is one thing that governments are good at, it’s sucking up sources of revenue.)