We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Secret Meeting at the “Green Sheep”

18th January 2016

Read it.

A secret meeting (secret until afterwards) took place last week between Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the ruling Law and Justice Party in Poland, and Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary. Poland and Hungary are two of the “Visegrad Four” countries, which together are looking to resist the refugee resettlement mandates that the quota czars in Brussels are attempting to enforce.

At the moment the European Union is unhappy with the conservative Polish government’s changes to the country’s courts and media, and is considering economic sanctions against the Poles for going against the diktats of the center in Brussels.

One Response to “A Secret Meeting at the “Green Sheep””

  1. RealRick Says:

    They didn’t ask me, but I would have suggested Iran as a good location for resettlement. A climate similar to their home country, lots of mosques and such, almost as few objections to Sharia as they seem to be finding in Europe, etc.