We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Rich, White and Refusing Vaccinations

27th December 2015

Read it.

The people most likely to refuse to have their children vaccinated tend to be white, well-educated and affluent, researchers report.

A study published in the January issue of the American Journal of Public Health used California state government data on “personal belief exemptions,” or opting out of vaccinations for nonmedical reasons. From 2007 to 2013, the rate of vaccine refusal for personal belief doubled, to 3.06 percent.

The Crustian SWPL fads often descend into superstition. This appears to be one of them; the Locovore gluten-free organic no-additive food-fetish taken to its extreme, I suspect.

Unlike some people, it doesn’t bother me; if the kids don’t get vaccinated, they get sick and may die, and their parents’ defective genes are subtracted from the gene pool. It’s like biological warfare with self-selecting victims. Think of it as evolution in action.

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