We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Get Your Ass in That Body Scanner, Santa!

23rd December 2015

Read it.

Quietly, on December 18, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a change of the rules for the use of body scanning technology at airport security systems across the country. Now, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) can opt out of letting you opt out of using the body scanners. That is to say, they can decide—for reasons!—that you must go through the body scanners. Julia Angwin, an investigative reporter from ProPublica, made note of the rule change last night on Twitter.

The longer the American people put up with crap like the TSA, the more money will be wasted, and the more travel will be disrupted, and the more we will come to resemble Soviet Russia. You Have Been Warned.

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