We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Here’s Why Lawyers Are ‘Salivating’ Over Self-Driving Cars

22nd December 2015

Read it.

When, in the near future, a driverless car gets into an accident with another driverless car, it’s going to be difficult to establish who is at fault. Is it the “driver,” the car company, or even the programmer?

But what’s not hard to establish is who will likely benefit: lawyers.

Bloomberg interviewed plaintiff’s lawyers and described them as “salivating” over the potential paydays from driverless cars.

“You’re going to get a whole host of new defendants,” Kevin Dean, an attorney suing General Motors over its faulty ignition switches, told Bloomberg. “Computer programmers, computer companies, designers of algorithms, Google, mapping companies, even states. It’s going to be very fertile ground for lawyers.”

But, of course, nobody in Silicon Valley is thinking about that. Why worry about the future when you have cool toys to play with?

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