We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Jon Ronson: How the Online Hate Mob Set Its Sights on Me

22nd December 2015

Read it.

In December 2013 a PR woman called Justine Sacco tweeted to her 170 Twitter followers: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get Aids. Just kidding. I’m white!” The joke was intended to mock her own bubble of privilege, but while she slept on the plane Twitter took control of her life and dismantled it. She became the worldwide number one trending topic that night: “We are about to watch this Justine Sacco bitch get fired, in real time, before she even knows she’s being fired”, and “Everyone go report this cunt @justinesacco”, and so on, for a total of 100,000 tweets. Justine was fired, her reputation mangled. I recounted her story in my book, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed. The chapter was excerpted in the New York Times Magazine. I’ve been keeping a diary of what happened next.

What he fails to mention is made clear by the above incident: the Online Hate Mob is a ‘progressive‘ Online Hate Mob. The Crust has forged an alliance with the Underclass to enforce it’s ThoughtCrime standards. Perhaps that’s why they seem to fond of Muslim extremists.

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