We have seen the future, and it sucks.


21st December 2015

Read it.

The Democrats held their presidential candidates’ be-in on ABC this past Saturday night. Time has posted a transcript. I have posted the video below. The be-in made for difficult viewing, but reading the transcript isn’t much easier. It’s painful.

Hillary will of course be the Democratic nominee. She seems to me an increasingly absurd figure. I find it hard to take her seriously, but she’s as serious as cancer. When it comes to anything approaching truth, she’s certainly as deadly. I’m getting ready for Hillary.

Those who know their ancient history will recall that Hillary expressly rejected the sedentary role of women as homemakers in the first Clinton presidential campaign of 1992. The ISIS manifesto makes it clear that women are to be subordinate to men. There will be no female leader of ISIS. The very idea of such a role for a woman would strike them as an absurd abomination.

If Hillary Clinton is elected president of the United States, she is therefore highly likely to become ISIS’s best recruiting tool. Regardless, ISIS can go to hell, and it should be among the next president’s first orders to make sure they do.

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