We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Rich Man, Boor Man

27th July 2007

Peggy Noonan points out some inconvenient truths.

We have a potential presidential candidate who noted to a friend that if he won the presidency the quality of his life would go down, not up.

Which makes you wonder why he’s running. I mean, don’t do us any favors.

A general rule: If you are told what someone does for a living and it makes sense to you–orthodontist, store owner, professor–that means he’s not rich. But if it’s a man in a suit who does something that takes him five sentences to explain and still you walk away confused, and castigating yourself as to why you couldn’t understand the central facts of the acquisition of wealth in the age you live in–well, chances are you just talked to a billionaire.

We’ve all had that experience.

Cellphones are wonderful, but they empower the obnoxious and amplify the ignorant.

Truer words were never spoke.

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