We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The @Salon Pedophile Click-Bait Magical Internet Outrage Marketing Machine

6th November 2015

The Other McCain draws back the curtain.

The liberal blog known as Salon-dot-com has spent the past 20 years losing money at a rate of more than a million dollars a year. Total losses by Salon-dot-com during the course of its existence are, as I said in 2012, “probably somewhere between $20 million and a metric buttload.” A few years ago, the proprietors of Salon-dot-com tried to sell it to another media company but negotiations reportedly broke down because nobody could figure out what Salon was worth, if anything. Exactly what the “investors” at Salon-dot-com aim to achieve — beyond providing employment for liberal writers — is uncertain, but profit is certainly not a goal. Promoting pedophilia on the other hand . . .

“I’m a Pedophile, But Not a Monster” was the headline on a particularly egregious recent example of Salon-dot-com’s habit of making soi-disant “counterintuitive” arguments on behalf of sexual deviance. Over the years, they have done this with every imaginable perversion and fetish. Nothing is too weird or too kinky for Salon-dot-com, whose editors are enthusiastically in favor of every kind of sex except normal sex. Your regular variety of husband-and-wife, penis-and-vagina sexuality — no, Salon-dot-com never has anything to say in praise of the kind of normal sex that normal people have. Instead, they’re always looking for the Confession of Strange Sex story, “How I Worked My Way Through Grad School as a Bisexual BDSM Dominatrix-for-Hire” or something.

Warning: These people are professionals; do not try this at home.

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