We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Thoughts From the Ammo Line

23rd October 2015

Read it.

On my recent road trip to and from Arizona to Minnesota, I had to pass through a checkpoint in New Mexico. Several uniformed Border Patrol men and vehicles were clustered around. A few relaxed drug-sniffing dogs were hanging out as well. Everybody hates someone who holds up the line, especially when it’s 110 degrees and you have to roll down your window. So, with uncharacteristic restraint, I didn’t ask, “What do you do if you find someone who is not here legally?”

Because the answer, of course, is “Absolutely nothing. We’re not allowed to.” The only way an illegal could maybe possibly get deported would be if he refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

The Democrats will soon get nine to eleven million more voters, distributed nicely to change every red state to blue for all time. The Chamber of Commerce will get the cheap labor they salivate for. The rich liberals will get nannies and housekeepers from Guatemala and El Salvador and yard guys from Mexico. And the open-borders crowd will get to congratulate themselves on how open-minded they are, how morally superior to us crude “nativists.” At least until some thug shoots their daughter.

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