We have seen the future, and it sucks.

This Might Really Suck the Air Out of the Room

20th October 2015

Read it.

Assume for the purposes of discussion that catastrophic global warming from human CO2 emissions can be reliably predicted. Here’s a thought: since we know trees sequester carbon (but couldn’t be planted on a scale large enough to mitigate 30 billion tons of annual CO2 emissions), why not go one step further and investigate whether there might be technologies that would remove carbon dioxide from the air? The idea is called “air capture,” but whenever the idea is brought up, you can hear the crickets chirping among the climatistas, for whom nothing less than destroying hydrocarbon energy will suffice as atonement for humanity’s sins of emission. (Near as I can tell, the IPCC completely ignores the idea.)

Which just points up the fact that the ecoNazi agenda is not about climate change but about how much human beings suck and so how much human beings must be penalized for not being animals.

In more enlightened times, ‘environmentalists’ would be recognized for what they are, rabid reactionaries dedicated to a new religion that opposes progress and human welfare, and would be opposed by ‘progressives’ however defined.

These, however, are not enlightened times.

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