We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The anti-travel guide: 101 things not to do before you die

17th September 2008

Read it.

Wilson writes: “Advice to anyone about to travel to Thailand is simple. Before you go, sort out a decent photo of yourself, preferably taken at a party smiling and celebrating the joy of being alive, because the newspapers and TV news bulletins will want something to accompany the article about your tragic death.”

My kind of guidebook.

And about Machu Picchu, he writes: “It’s a 6,000-mile journey – 12 thrombotic hours on a plane followed by a bladder-bursting seven-hour bus ride – to see something you could watch Michael Palin climbing up on TV – all in the company of the 400,000 intensely irritating gap-year students who think it’s totally awesome, dude.”

Preach it, brother.

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