We have seen the future, and it sucks.

An Invitation

18th September 2015

When I gassed up my car this morning, the price was $1.87 a gallon.

You people in California: Texas is a big state, we got plenty a room, y’all c’mon down.

7 Responses to “An Invitation”

  1. kakola Says:

    I was riding in a cab in Denver some years ago, and the driver went off on a rant about how Californians moving into Colorado were ruining the place. Assuming the driver was even a little bit correct in his assessment, you might want to reconsider inviting Californians to Texas.

  2. Thomas Says:

    Californians have already ruined Austin. It’s always been left-ish, but it used to be a pleasant, laid-back place. Now it’s just another metro area crowded with former Californians who vote for big government and wonder why their taxes keep rising.

  3. Roy Heath Says:

    Whenever someone tells me that they have moved in from a high tax state I welcome them to Texas and encourage them to not make the same mistakes with our government that were made in the state they left.

  4. elganned Says:

    Texas has plenty of room, but no more water than California.
    When both run dry, come on up to Michigan. We got lakes of it.

  5. Tim of Angle Says:

    Texas doesn’t waste it the way California does. Michigan has more communists than water, which is why people are moving from California to Texas, not to Michigan.

  6. Elganned Says:

    *shrug* It’s your story, tell it however you want.
    When the water runs out, I’ll remind you of this.

  7. Tim of Angle Says:

    Yeah, I’ll hold my breath waiting for it. You still haven’t weaseled your way around the fact that the people leaving California move to Texas, not Michigan; maybe they know something you don’t (Whoa, there’s a hole with no bottom….)