We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Democracy as an adaptive fiction

26th July 2007

UR. Mencius Moldbug is on the case.

Today I thought it’d be fun to talk about democracy. Unless you are 107 years old and a veteran of the Austrian Landwehr, you probably associate democracy with peace, freedom, progress and prosperity. Since I associate democracy with war, tyranny, destruction and poverty, we certainly have something to talk about.

The article is full of stuff like this.

Universalism is the faith of the Brahmins, the intellectual caste whose global dominance has been unchallenged arguably since World War II, and certainly since the end of the Cold War. Since an intellectual is defined by his or her ability to influence the opinions of others, it’s not hard to see why democracy is such an effective political formula. Democracy means that popular opinion controls the State; intellectuals guide popular opinion; ergo, intellectuals guide the State.

John Kerry? Sure sounds like.

Very generally, the consensus at Harvard at year Y is the consensus of America at Y+50. If this isn’t power, what is?

Read The Whole Thing.

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