We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Virtue of Hostility

14th August 2015

Taki does the Trump.

What I particularly like about Trump is the way he’s hated by the media. He doesn’t take any of their crap, and when misquoted, which he is a lot, he calls them names not fit to print to their face. This is the way it should be. When Vicky Ward, a Vanity Fair writer who has an acid pen and uses her blond looks as an added attraction, did a hatchet job on him, Trump replied in kind. He called her a bitch, a liar, and ugly to boot. The great and the good were horrified. I thought he hit the nail right on the head. The other thing that has the hacks really peed off is the fact that The Donald tells it like it is when it comes to immigration and crime. Phony writers for the Times and other such tendentious organizations ignore blue-collar workers who have not graduated from Ivy League schools. The latter love Trump, and the less educated they are, the more sense they make in liking him. We can’t all live in ritzy suburbs and slick Park Avenue apartment buildings like Times people, whose only contact with immigrants is during the 6 o’clock news. At the same time, Trump’s outrageous shtick and his camera-hogging antics endear him to those uninvited to chic parties in New York and Washington. The Donald blew it with McCain—what’s a pilot supposed to do when shot down, act Japanese and go down in flames?—but otherwise he’s done a great job annoying the rest of the crowded Republican presidential field.

One Response to “The Virtue of Hostility”

  1. Elganned Says:

    “We can’t all live in ritzy suburbs and slick Park Avenue apartment buildings like Times people…” Yet The Donald is a member of the rich and privileged class…So the (boorish) Rich and Privileged One is now lionized by the Little People because he “sticks it to” the Rich and Privileged…

    Trump’s major support comes from those benighted bigots who wish they could say and do the same in public without being pilloried by their neighbors. He’s a crass bully afflicted with acute narcissism on a grand scale–altogether not the sort you would want your daughter (or anyone else you might know and care about) to marry. And certainly not the sort you would want to represent the nation before the world.