Obama’s community organizing
9th September 2008
Steve Sailer reveals the sordid truth that Obama only wanted to organize one community: Can you guess which one?
Ultimately, he didn’t help any steelworkers, black or white. The Southtown Star reported on August 24:
“And none of the laid-off steelworkers Obama talks about in stump speeches, the people he was brought to Chicago to help, could be found for this article, despite repeated requests to the campaign.”
So what is an Obama-style “community organizer?”
It means a radical racial activist who, in Tom Wolfe’s immortal phrase, “mau-maus the flak catchers”—intimidates bureaucrats into giving your ethnicity a bigger slice of the pie. It means, more than anything else, that you organize political protests for more handouts from the taxpayers (even though dependence upon those handouts is one reason the community is so disorganized.)