On the Money
22nd June 2015
Which woman will supplant Hamilton? Treasury Secretary Jack Lew doesn’t know. He wants to hear from the public on the matter.
You can’t blame Lew for not knowing. There isn’t a woman who contributed remotely as much to America as Hamilton did. Indeed, there are only a handful of men who can be said to have done.
This is a classic case of a “set aside.” A spot has been earmarked for a woman. Suitable (we hope) candidate to follow.
June 22nd, 2015 at 08:41
I’ve nominated Raquel Welch. She has a couple of good points in her favor, and, realistically, the biggest use for small bills in Washington is as tips for strippers.
This whole event really documents the decline of the education system. We have dumbed-down school curriculums to the point where history is only marginally taught. (When my son was in high school, the history books had replaced WWII with “Life During WWII”. All that stuff about Pearl Harbor and Hitler and the Holocaust were deemed unimportant. What was important – much to my surprise – is that women and minorities got jobs in factories and felt good about themselves for the first time in human history.) It’s been going on for long enough that the dummies we created are now employed in our kakistocratic government.