We have seen the future, and it sucks.

New York Creates Massive Cigarette Black Market, Wants Virginia to Fix It

20th March 2015

Read it.

With state cigarette taxes at $4.35 per pack and the Big Apple piling another $1.50 on top of that, New York has become a major destination for smuggled smokes. Up to 60 percent of all cigarettes sold in the state are smuggled from elsewhere (The Mackinac Center, which tracks these things, puts the number at 56.87 percent for 2012). By contrast, Virginia’s taxes per pack are only 30 cents, which makes it an excellent source for all of those smokes headed up I-95 to the Empire State. Logically enough, at least in the context of the political world, New York officials are concerned and think Virginia should do something.

Okay, let’s reduce the tax to 10 cents. Entrepreneurship ought to be rewarded.

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