A Brit in California Moves to the Lone Star State – Just Swerve the TexMex Grub
8th March 2015
This is a fun read, but the really interesting bit is this one:
In the intervening years it’s become progressively harder to get an H1-b and start the process. From what I hear they are basically snapped up in advance by the big outsourcing firms. The flip-side to that is that once you have one then transferring between employers needn’t be the nightmare it was a decade ago – assuming that your original employer plays ball. If they don’t then it’s indentured servitude. Which is why the outsourcers love them (as do their clients – the “lack of technically skilled people” is largely a myth. What there is a lack of is people willing to work for the pittance that some of the temps will take). [emphasis added]
Yet more evidence is that the push for expanded immigration is driven mainly by employers wanting cheap labor, not by high-minded worship of America’s position as a home for the people that other nations don’t want.