We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Idiot Party Should Go to Plan B—Defang Obamnesty by Abolishing Birthright Citizenship

5th March 2015

John Derbyshire, Patron Saint of Dyspepsia, speaks for all right-thinking folks.

We really need to retire the epithet “The Stupid Party” for the GOP. The DHS funding fiasco plainly shows that “stupid” is too mild an adjective to describe the Congressional Republican leadership.[John Boehner ends stalemate, Politico, March 3, 2015]

I turned to my thesaurus in hopes of finding something more apt. Alas; in this age of microaggressions, of mimosa-like sensitivity to offense, the stronger adjectives—“retarded,” “moronic,” “imbecilic,” “cretinous”—are out of bounds.

“Idiotic” is borderline acceptable, and it brings with it a helpful mental image of the gibbering snaggle-toothed Village Idiot; so I’ll take a venture on “idiotic” for the GOP congresscritters.

Hear, hear. Although ‘chickenshit’ does recommend itself.

One thing we learn is the mighty power of a Democratic President. Mass Amnesty for low-skilled illegal aliens is of great importance to the future of the Democratic Party.

On an issue of that nature, a Democratic President can rely on well-nigh solid support from his party in both houses of Congress, as well as—of course—from the Main Stream Media, the universities, the law schools, Hollywood, etc., etc.

There are no patriotic qualms in any of those areas of support. This is now the transnationalist post-American party. Blue Dog Democrats are a fading memory.

As is America, as it was until recently. The increasing scope of the Welfare State, coupled with the capture of the institutions of education and communication by the Crust, has explosively grown the Dependent Underclass that will keep them in power for as far as the eye can see or the mind contemplate.

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