We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Which Epic Battle Would You Have Fought In?

4th February 2015

Try it.

(The one for the 16th Amendment, by choice.)

Apparently I was at the Battle of Kursk. They don’t say which side I was on, although they do say that I ‘helped stop Hitler’ … so I’ve got that going for me.

One Response to “Which Epic Battle Would You Have Fought In?”

  1. RealRick Says:

    The game is rigged. Once you get to choose a weapon, the obvious choice is the tank. Nothing else comes close in terms of killing power. (Admittedly, I kinda thought about the Gatling gun, but the tank gives me 2 machine guns, a cannon, and armor.) Once you’ve done that, you’re stuck in Kursk.

    Also, when surrounded, they don’t offer you the option to go on the attack (a la Nathan Bedford Forrest, for example). Nothing is more ‘Merican! than going out like Butch and Sundance!