We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Shuttle Bus Drivers Serving Apple, Other Silicon Valley Tech Companies Look to Unionize

13th January 2015

Read it.

Well, that didn’t take long.

According to Teamsters Local 853 International vice president and secretary-treasurer Rome Aloise, a majority of drivers working for Compass Transportation have signed union authorization cards, reports USA Today. Compass currently employs about 120 full-time and part-time drivers to shuttle workers at Apple and other tech companies back and forth between work and home.

Note that the initiative came from the union, not the bus drivers.

At the heart of the matter is a huge wage disparity between workers with non-skill jobs, like drivers and security guards, and tech employees earning six-figure salaries. Also an issue is the so-called “gentrification” of San Francisco, where longtime residents are being displaced by wealthy tech workers.

In other words, envy leading to extortion — and that’s what unions are all about.


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