We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Intro to Megaphonics

4th January 2015

Steve Sailer explains it all to you.

But why do these nonsensical accounts get perpetuated?

The study of the workings (and failures) of the Megaphone is one of the central subjects of our time, but we lack even a word for the subject. Perhaps Megaphonics will do?

It’s a sprawling topic, so I’m only going to cover a few elements of Megaphonics here.

For example, the hammer murder of Bosnian immigrant Zemir Begic in St. Louis last week for the offense of being white after midnight terrified the local establishment into a paroxysm of lying. The mayor and police chief explained how the minority mob, which shouted “Kill the white people,” couldn’t possibly have had anything to do with the mob violence in nearby Ferguson.

Why? Although Bosnian Muslims are not terribly tough by Balkan standards—back home in the 1990s they got shoved around by Serbs and Croats the way the poor little Ferguson shopkeeper got shoved around by Michael Brown—they are still much more likely to respond to communal violence in kind than are American-born whites.

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