We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The #GamerGate Hate Hoax

17th October 2014

The Other McCain is on the case.

Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq) and Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal) are feminist critics of the videogame industry who seem to be trying to cash in on the fact that they are feminist critics of the videogame industry. This involves portraying themselves as victims of horrific harassment and criminal threats. Who is engaging in this harassment? Who is making these threats? We don’t know, because it seems to be coming from a lot of anonymous online accounts, and I strongly suspect that some of these threats are fake. But whether it’s fake or real, the harassment is being blamed on the gamers who, using the Twitter hashtag #GamerGate, have been blowing the whistle on some of the sleazy tactics by which feminists have been trying to turn gaming into a Political Correctness Zone and — oh, just by the way — cut themselves in on a slice of the multimillion-dollar videogame industry pie.

I find it amusing that Anita Sarkeesian had to cancel an appearance somewhere because of death threats. Welcome to the world that ‘conservatives’ live in all the time; be careful not to step in the diversity.

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