We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Every Child in Scotland to Be Supervised by State-Appointed Busybody

30th June 2014

Read it.

Scotland wants to treat all families as potentially abusive and appoint a “named person” (that is, a guardian) as soon as the child is born and up through age 18 to oversee the parenting. This “shadow parent” would be empowered by the government under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, which will take effect in 2016.

‘All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.’ — Benito Mussolini

3 Responses to “Every Child in Scotland to Be Supervised by State-Appointed Busybody”

  1. bluebird of bitterness Says:

    The world has gone stark raving mad.

  2. ErisGuy Says:

    For decades I have heard progressives argue that parents should be licensed. Progressives have consistently worked towards this ideal in steps large and small. Soon the free, Christian West will become the enslaved, impoverished, Socialist West.

  3. RealRick Says:


    The majority of the people in this country no longer pay taxes, the government is the largest employer, our borders have been ceded to the indigent of Mexico, and the majority of the people continue to support Obama and the Commiecrats.

    Soon? Yesterday.