We have seen the future, and it sucks.

American in 2034

21st June 2014

John Derbyshire, Patron Saint of Dyspepsia, opines.

The state ideology–“political correctness,” “the Narrative”–seems to me quite robust. I don’t expect it to change over the next 20 years.

With ever fewer jobs for the left side of the bell curve, a universal dole–a federally-guaranteed minimum income–will be in force.

To the degree that party politics is of any importance, we shall be in a period of Democratic Supremacy. The Republican Party will either have contracted to its conservative (that is white, Christian, Southern) core and be nationally irrelevant, like 18th-century British Tories, or it will continue to offer the Narrative fronted by different personalities, as at present.

One Response to “American in 2034”

  1. Donald the Duck Says:

    Amused to discover that I am not allowed by my work firewall to read John’s musings. Reason? “This Websense Category is filtered: Intolerance”

    His or theirs?