We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Are You Indigenous?

28th May 2014

Scott Johnson is not afraid to ask the hard questions.

It’s been a while since the leftover left took ownership of every nook and cranny of the city of Minneapolis. The city has therefore signed on to multifarious left-wing causes expressing hatred of the United States over the past many years.

In the Cold War, for example, municipal authorities wanted to make it clear that they were on the other side. In 1988, just in time to catch the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Minneapolis adopted a Soviet sister city. The relationship might actually have come in handy in subsequent years. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be in Minneapolis never took advantage of the opportunity to seek advice from our Soviet sister city on the establishment of a multiparty system in a one-party town. Now it’s probably too late for the authorities of Novosibirsk to weigh in constructively.

In the current struggle over the enforcement of immigration law, municipal authorities are of course on the other side. Since 2003, Minneapolis has declared itself a sanctuary city. International sex traffickers have found it a congenial environment. They call it home.

And now, as of late last week, Columbus Day is no more. Minneapolis has declared the holiday Indigenous Peoples Day.

Once again, ‘progressives’ take a celebration of progress and turn it on its head. Presumably they would prefer that ‘native Americans’ continued their former ways of using stone tools, high infant mortality, and endemic internecine warfare.

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